Bonded Dental Bridges at Jamestowne South Dental

Bonded dental bridges offer a reliable and minimally invasive solution for replacing missing teeth. At Jamestowne South Dental, we utilize this technique to enhance your smile by bridging gaps with precision-crafted artificial teeth. This process not only restores functionality but also improves the aesthetic appeal of your smile. Here, we will delve into what bonded dental bridges are, how they are applied, their benefits, and maintenance tips.

bonded dental bridges

What are Bonded Dental Bridges?

Bonded dental bridges, also known as Maryland bridges, typically consist of a porcelain or ceramic tooth (pontic) that is anchored in place by composite resin bonded to the adjacent natural teeth. Unlike traditional bridges, bonded bridges do not require the neighboring teeth to be fully reshaped or crowned. Instead, metal or porcelain wings extending from the pontic are bonded to the back of the adjacent teeth. This method is especially advantageous for replacing front teeth or in situations where the adjacent teeth are intact and free from fillings.

Application Process

The process of installing a bonded dental bridge at Jamestowne South Dental starts with a thorough examination to determine if this solution is suitable for your dental needs. If a bonded bridge is deemed appropriate, the procedure involves minimal preparation of the adjacent teeth, focusing on preserving as much of the natural tooth structure as possible. Impressions of the teeth are taken to create a custom-fitted bridge that matches the color and shape of your natural teeth. During a follow-up visit, the bridge is fitted, adjusted, and bonded securely in place, ensuring comfort and functionality.

Benefits of Bonded Dental Bridges

Choosing a bonded dental bridge comes with several benefits. Primarily, it provides a conservative and aesthetic solution to tooth loss. The procedure is less invasive than other types of bridges and dental implants since it involves minimal alteration to the surrounding teeth. Additionally, bonded bridges are cost-effective and can be a quicker solution compared to traditional bridges or implants. They restore the ability to chew and speak properly and maintain the shape of your face, preventing the drifting of adjacent teeth.

Maintenance and Care

Maintaining a bonded dental bridge involves the same care required for your natural teeth. It is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Special attention should be given to the area under the pontic to prevent plaque buildup. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings at Jamestowne South Dental are essential to monitor the condition of the bridge and the health of surrounding gums and teeth. With proper care, a bonded dental bridge can last many years.


Bonded dental bridges are an excellent option for restoring your smile by effectively replacing missing teeth with a minimally invasive approach. At Jamestowne South Dental, we are committed to providing high-quality dental care and smile makeovers using the latest techniques, including bonded dental bridges. If you’re considering options for replacing missing teeth or want to enhance your smile, schedule an appointment with us. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process and help you achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile.

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